I've had a remarkable amount of free time the last few weekends. It's a really nice change! However, I didn't get quite as much knitting done as I'd hope this past weekend. I also didn't clean my apartment, which I've been sorely neglecting. I did sleep a lot, though. And I did karaoke! (It was my friend Dan's birthday - we had a fabulous time. I sang "One Way or Another" by Blondie.)
I do have some good progress to report. The body of Hank8 is done! I had hoped to cut some steeks and get started on the neck, but I didn't. I like Wendy's tactic of doing the neck before the sleeves, so that when she finishes the sleeves the sweater is done. So I'm going to do that.
Also, I finished my cashmere gloves, just in time for it to get warm again. I need to wash them to make them all soft. I hope they still fit after I wash them. They should, since I measured the gauge of the washed swatch and went from there, but they seem to fit fine now, pre-washing. Oh well - I have plenty of yarn left and could make several more pairs if I wanted to.
And my sister's sweater is finished except for the sewing. I'm not sure whether I like it or not - but I was making it to her specifications, so hopefully she'll like it fine.
I'll try and post pictures of all these things shortly.
Last night was my last beginning knitting class of the term. Only 2 of the original 10 students showed up! I knew that a few people wouldn't make it, but it was wierd. Well, the weather was horrible, maybe that kept some away. Oh well. My next section starts immediately, next Monday. No rest for the weary... Okay, I'm not that weary.......
Shes kicked some serious keister on that song, too...
Posted by: Dan Golub | October 29, 2003 at 11:58 PM