My steeks class yesterday went well. It's amazing to me how things happen for a reason; I was originally supposed to teach this class last September, but not enough people signed up. However, I realize now that I was very unprepared at that time, and this way I really took the time to plan and have good samples and whatnot. After going around and doing introductions, I started the class by cutting an armhole steek on Hank8, which I think helped break the ice. It's lucky I didn't finish it by Christmas like I wanted, huh? We then worked on their homework swatches, and no one passed out cutting their first steeks. After finishing those steeks, we did the Norweigan style steeks. My little sewing machine worked fine (okay, a couple of small snags, but no major problems). As I'd feared, we finished way early, but I think that's okay. No one seemed to feel like they weren't getting their money's worth. There are a few things I would do differently were I to teach this class again (mainly, create a more detailed handout, and teach the crocheted steek method, which I had never tried but figured out near the end of class and did an impromtu demo).
But how cool is it that I created 10 more knitters not afraid to cut their knitting?! I honestly feel like cutting steeks is incredibly liberating. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it.
So now I have no excuse not to finish Hank8. I'm going to pick up stitches for the final sleeve tonight. In other finishing news, I'm crocheting the edge on the cashmere baby blanket - should be finished in a couple days. Woo hoo!
With this class behind me, I also feel I can devote some time to developing a couple of designs I have floating around my head that I'm going to submit places. This is a very good thing.
Coming soon: more photos! I'm too lazy to get the camera out this mellow Sunday.
Steeks terrify me! I'm so impressed that you actually like to do them, and that you can do such beautiful colorwork- something else I'm learning. I wanna be you when I grow up. :)
Posted by: | February 04, 2004 at 06:27 PM
How too cool...I wish someone would teach that class in my town. The idea of cutting into my knitting sends shivers down my spine.
Posted by: Sharon | February 08, 2004 at 09:31 PM