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Dan Golub

I think it's nice to see you respond in the comments, it tends to create a communal discussion all in one place and lets others see how you respond to what their fellow commenters say.


My two cents on comments - I think it depends on whether the response is general enough to apply to most readers. If you think others would benefit from reading the response, I would respond within the blog, not to the reader's personal email.


But then do you think people will actually look back at the comments section to see if their comment was responded to?


alison, if someone has asked a question that i also would like to know the answer to, i do check back in the comments.

love the gloves! :-) can't wait to see a pic of the lace pieces together.


In response to your question: I definitely check back to see if there's a response. (See?!)


That's good to know, Ellen and Athena!

Athena: unfortunately, I won't be posting any pics of the lace pieces, since they were samples for a designer's book and I don't think she would want me to do so. But I think it's okay if I let you know who the designer is: Teva Durham (website: www.loop-d-loop.com). She's often in Interweave Knits, and her book will be out sometime next year I think. You'll just have to wait until then to see it!


Most of the time I respond to a comment by email. I always intend to get more interactive in the comments themselves, but that tends to get lost in the press of time. Sometimes I don't respond directly to a comment, but I leave a new comment at that person's blog...a way of saying "I heard you." Sometimes I check back when I've left a comment, but more often I don't. When I do check back though, it is great to see a response there. (Note to self: leave more responses in my comment section!) Good question Alison...thanks for making me think.


I tend to respond directly via email. Now after reading this, I'm not so sure. Hmm.

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