Don't you hate it when your computer freezes and you lose the entire blog entry that you were just about to proof read and post? This is what I get for posting from work (on the dinosaur of a computer that I use at my desk job).
Here goes my attempt to recreate what I said:
Thanks very much to all who posted comments about what yarns they would want with them on a desert island (hopefully not a tropical one, as Ellen cleverly pointed out). I was very pleased that for the most part my instincts about what yarns people like were fairly accurate. And if you haven't commented yet, I'm still happy to hear more ideas!
I also appreciated the comments people left about the practical side of starting this business. I'm still very much in the brainstorming phase; I don't know yet if I'll even be able to swing it financially when I first move to Massachusetts, and I need to do a lot more research about what shops already exist in the Boston area and where. In all likelihood, I'll be moving to a suburb west of Boston, but I don't know which one yet.
And a side note on blogging: my practice has generally been to respond individually to commenters, rather than responding on the blog itself or in the comments. What do people think about this? One the one hand, it's easiest for me to reply directly to the commenter via e-mail, and that way you're sure to get a personal response. But on the other hand, maybe people would like more of a discussion in the comments, and see my responses to others. What do you think?
In knitting news: my lace pieces that I was doing for pay are finished - woo hoo! I'll be handing them off to the designer very soon I hope. My gloves only want one index finger and thumb, then they're good to go. I hope to finish them tonight, since tomorrow the forcast is cold, with possible SNOW! Good weather to test out my gloves, but not good for much else as far as I'm concerned.
After that I really should get back to Scott's sweater as commuter knitting and Hank8 for on the couch, but who am I to do what I should? Instead I'm going to make a lacy poncho that Berta created as a store sample at School Products out of the cashmere blend that I made my purple sweater with. Berta was kind enough to let me exchange the leftovers from the sweater for a different color, a sky blue. (This is against store policy; cones are not returnable - I'm fortunate that I get special priveleges for working there.) The poncho is done in a very simple lace stitch, and made in a L shape. Then you sew a side edge to another side to make the poncho. It's like the cabled poncho in Weekend Knitting, if you have that book. Should knit up super fast on size 11's, and be a perfect spring cover up.
Happy Monday...
I think it's nice to see you respond in the comments, it tends to create a communal discussion all in one place and lets others see how you respond to what their fellow commenters say.
Posted by: Dan Golub | March 16, 2004 at 01:06 AM
My two cents on comments - I think it depends on whether the response is general enough to apply to most readers. If you think others would benefit from reading the response, I would respond within the blog, not to the reader's personal email.
Posted by: ellen | March 16, 2004 at 06:23 AM
But then do you think people will actually look back at the comments section to see if their comment was responded to?
Posted by: Alison | March 16, 2004 at 10:09 AM
alison, if someone has asked a question that i also would like to know the answer to, i do check back in the comments.
love the gloves! :-) can't wait to see a pic of the lace pieces together.
Posted by: athena | March 16, 2004 at 10:23 AM
In response to your question: I definitely check back to see if there's a response. (See?!)
Posted by: ellen | March 16, 2004 at 10:36 AM
That's good to know, Ellen and Athena!
Athena: unfortunately, I won't be posting any pics of the lace pieces, since they were samples for a designer's book and I don't think she would want me to do so. But I think it's okay if I let you know who the designer is: Teva Durham (website: She's often in Interweave Knits, and her book will be out sometime next year I think. You'll just have to wait until then to see it!
Posted by: Alison | March 16, 2004 at 10:53 AM
Most of the time I respond to a comment by email. I always intend to get more interactive in the comments themselves, but that tends to get lost in the press of time. Sometimes I don't respond directly to a comment, but I leave a new comment at that person's blog...a way of saying "I heard you." Sometimes I check back when I've left a comment, but more often I don't. When I do check back though, it is great to see a response there. (Note to self: leave more responses in my comment section!) Good question Alison...thanks for making me think.
Posted by: Sharon | March 17, 2004 at 10:29 PM
I tend to respond directly via email. Now after reading this, I'm not so sure. Hmm.
Posted by: Jeanine | March 18, 2004 at 07:53 PM