We finished moving just about all of our stuff out of the old apartment. Hooray! It wasn't fun, but there were no major problems. So have I started unpacking, you ask? Well, no. See, the apartment that we will ultimately be living in will not be vacated by the old tenants until next week, and we had to be out of our old place, with time left over to clean it so I can get my security deposit back. So what we did was rented a smaller apartment across the hall from our "real" apartment, just for the month of March. (The theory was that we would spread the move over a longer period, but that didn't really happen.) So all our stuff is squished into the living room of the small place, with only the bed, clothing and a few other essentials in the bedroom, which we'll be living out of for the next week. It's a little like living in a motel room.
In other news, check out Ellen's new blog! It's highly amusing.
And knit teacher/designer extraordinaire Annie's book is out! You can buy a copy here. I did.
I had my first spam comment today. Hopefully this won't happen too often. Tech-savvy I'm not, and I don't really know what one does about these things.
In knitting news, I have something shocking to report. I did not knit a single stitch last Thursday, Saturday, or yesterday. The main reason was the move, obviously. My excuse yesterday was that I was finishing reading White Teeth, which I liked very much. Also I don't have a commuting project that I'm terribly excited about right now - I've been working on my leafy-lace shawl intermittently since I finished my gloves last week. And I can't start anything new because all my yarn is packed. Maybe I'll try to dig out the Noro Silk Garden that I bought with the Multidirectional Diagonal Scarf in mind. That looks like a project that won't take too much concentration, and I really need one of those right about now. I did keep Hank8 accessible and hopefully I'll get some work in on that this week at home.
Posts on the blog will be few and far between, and pictureless, until I get settled in my "real" new place with internet access and all. Don't miss me too much!
Thanks for the publicity Alison! Sorry to hear you have to live in chaos (and without easy access to your yarn) til you move in to your new digs. Can't wait to see your leafy-lace-shawl.
Posted by: Ellen | March 24, 2004 at 12:35 PM
I would not like that kind of move - glad you're surviving!
Posted by: Kitty | March 25, 2004 at 04:12 PM
The new yarn is packed in one of the boxes with books...see - you can't hide from new knitting projects :-)!!
Posted by: Sara | March 26, 2004 at 03:00 PM
Hi Alison--I hate comment spam too. My penis is big enough already! 8 )
Does TypePad have something called IP banning? Poke around TypePad to see if it does. If it does, try copying the IP address (a string of numbers) from the spam and banning that IP address. I've had a few occasions of a ton of comment spams appearing, and IP banning stopped it.
I do think Movable Type (TypePad's creator) is working hard on fixes to the problem, so I'm told that it's good to keep your version of TypePad totally up to date.
Good luck--and thanks for pointing me toward Annie's book. It looks fascinating.
Posted by: Ann | April 09, 2004 at 07:40 AM