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Thanks for the publicity Alison! Sorry to hear you have to live in chaos (and without easy access to your yarn) til you move in to your new digs. Can't wait to see your leafy-lace-shawl.


I would not like that kind of move - glad you're surviving!


The new yarn is packed in one of the boxes with books...see - you can't hide from new knitting projects :-)!!


Hi Alison--I hate comment spam too. My penis is big enough already! 8 )

Does TypePad have something called IP banning? Poke around TypePad to see if it does. If it does, try copying the IP address (a string of numbers) from the spam and banning that IP address. I've had a few occasions of a ton of comment spams appearing, and IP banning stopped it.

I do think Movable Type (TypePad's creator) is working hard on fixes to the problem, so I'm told that it's good to keep your version of TypePad totally up to date.

Good luck--and thanks for pointing me toward Annie's book. It looks fascinating.

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