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I loved looking at your gallery -- lovely sweaters. I came here after reading Knotology and her mention of Knitter's Way. Can you tell me what the group is about?


I'm sorry about the loss of the design opportunity Alison, but you are so talented, more will come your way!
And if you would like I can send you some Fun Fur So you can be a hip knitter too LOL!!!!


I'm wanting to say something about doors closing and windows opening, but I don't want to toss out cliches. Still...the best IS yet to come.


Thanks all!
Rob - The Knitter's Way is a group of knitters doing The Artist's Way program, a 12-week course in recovering your creativity. It's a book by Julia Cameron. Click on the link on my sidebar to join the yahoo group, or click on the book on my sidebar to read about it on amazon.com.

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