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I was quite suprised how much I enjoyed 50 First Dates when I saw it on a plane.

I especially liked the ending because ...


She didn't get miraculously cured. But it's okay that he has to go through this every day, because LOVE IS WORTH IT! That's a remarkably mature message for an Adam Sandler film or, really, any film.

What's really amazing is that I liked it, even though it finds humor in the Red Sox game seven loss.


Any movie that fills you with "serenity and joy" sounds like a must-see for me. Wow.

I am in love with your beautiful shawl. What an incredible work of art. Great job!


You aren't inspiring me to jog, but I'd love several more hours to walk, clean, and putter. But I already get up at 5:45. No way I'm getting up earlier. I'll settle for admiring you, Alison. And speaking of admire, Feather and Fan is awesome.


I just saw Garden State last night and then came upon your blog today. I love that movie! Off to check out Zach's blog. Thanks for the link! :)



Wow! All these changes! This is exciting! That is so great that you are starting to jog. And you are approaching it in the right way. If you ever need a jogging partner, let me know! It helps to have somoeone to gossip with to take your mind off the fact that you are exercising!


I thought Garden State was great, too. I'll have to rent 50 First Dates.

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