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Ann Shayne

I just got a copy of Interweave Crochet and I was puzzling over those rings. So loopy and retro--they're great. I'm dying to learn crochet.


happy birthday, alison!


Yep! Belated birthday wishes. Glad we got to see you the day before.


i feel like such a shit! i forgot.. but i didn't .. i still dont' have a working palm and can't even remember when i last went to the loo.. i knew it was close to kori's and checked my calendar and kept saying to myself remember to call Alison.. i even wrote a note to the others in the knitters with attitude and then completely forgot again!! what kind of a stinky friend am i!? Please forgive me and I hope you have a wonderful YEAR!!!
ps i didn't realize you were moving back up north? when did you decide that and is the church sending you there? karola

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