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I didn't think you'd turned wacko at all. There are times when I need to talk about what's happening, like there's an itch in my brain that needs to be scratched. Kudos to you for being honest about it.

As for the knitting honeymoon--maybe you're moving into a new phase as a knitter, one that accepts the "old shoe" comfort past the honeymoon stage?


Not wacko at all.. prayer literally saved my life.. and praying for people you don't even know is a very, very good thing..



alison -
great to see you at kay's last night. sorry if i was a tad overly hyper (just a touch punchy from a long work week). best wishes!


I didn't think you were wacko either - it's nice to know that you are someone who choses to wish/hope/ask for the best for your travelling companions - however you choose to do that.

phyllis howe

grace comes in so many forms and in the unlikliest of places. the neat thing is when you are aware enough to take delivery on the message.

-when we next see one another, remind me to tell you of an experience i had in conran' s (the old one that used to be in the citicorp building). god's smart - he/she knows the best place to reach me is in a retail setting.
btw, I think the bus is a brilliant place in which to be found - where else can one hope to be surrounded by so much humanity?
it was great seeing you. i went on to your blog and saw some of your wonderful work -
have a great easter weekend.
warm thoughts, phyllis

Cathy W

So you are the one that made the great hat and scarf at School Products! I would have made them, but coudn't afford that much Karabella! Your Alice Starmore stuff is awsome. One of her sweaters might be my next project.I live in NYC too.
Your cross town bus experience great. As a recent cancer patient/survivor (survivor so far, cross your fingers) I can attest to the power of prayer!
Cathy W

Katie Lyon

First - Ali, I've known you for 18 years and NEVER in that time could I ever call you wacko.
Second - All things in life much evolve and change otherwise they wither and die. Try not to see your current lull as a bad thing but rather a turning point to something new and exciting which may be better than what came before.
Third - If you need any further inspiration, you could always make me a sweater...something purple perhaps?

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