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As a long-time lurker, I'm thrilled to hear you speaking so openly about these issues. I, too, try to professionalize my passions, and have come to the conclusion that some need to be hobbies and others (the ones that people will pay me to do) can comprise a career.

I hope that you continue to blog about you, whether it's your knitting side that inspires you or something at your church or whatever. I, for one, read blogs because I get to hear the minds of other knitters, whether they write about their knitting or their thinking or working. Cheers!


I'll keep coming anyway, even if it turns into Chronicles of a Devoutly Religious Agnostic. Heck, I was coming more for the person than for the knitting tips anyway ...


As someone who has long ago resigned themself to professionalization of all my hobbies (who ever heard of a professional Jew?), I want to say in response to your title, that for me it is less about "What Do I Want to Be?" than about "How Do I Express Who I Am?"...


i did youth and young adult ministry (lay) in the episcopal church for a few years and really enjoyed it. glad you're enjoying your job; it's your blog -- do with it what you will!


Thanks to all for the great comments. Mrs. Pilkington - funny you should mention youth and young adult ministry because that's exactly what I currently feel called to do. I've been wrestling with the problem that we are currently only retaining as adult members about 10% of the children who come through our religious education programs... I'd like to work on getting that number up to around 60%.


This all sounds very exciting! Knitting is always going to be there for you, and designing. Looking forward to reading about it. xoxo Kay

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