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julia fc

Hey! Nice Peacock. What a good dooby to knit a swatch. Not me, I just plunged ahead, and it took me until halfway through chart #2 to orient myself to the blasted thing. I'm at row 91, or 93, I forgtebecause my post its went on holiday without giving notice.

And I already did the book meme (May 11th), but thanks for asking. I too loved Ahab's Wife, I made the costumes for The Hairy Ape for a friend's senior thesis production, and tore more than one copy of The Fountainhead in half out of frustration with Ayn Rand in my several attepts to "get" what everyone else loved so much about that book. AH, youth.


Thanks, Julia. I'm normally pretty lax on swatches for lace shawls, but I'm glad I did one for this since my first one came out much too small. Truth be told, I think this one is a tiny bit small too, but I decided it's close enough. I'll check out your May 11th entry...

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