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My favorite Monkee was Peter, too! (And he and I share a birthday, so how cool am I?)


Very cool! The only celebrity that I know of who shares my birthday is Twiggy, that scary model from the 60's. Also, Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter books, but I don't know if that counts since she's fictional.

Amy Boogie

Congrats on the house!!!


All I can say is hooray! hooray on the new house! I'm so happy for you!


I hope you understand, Alison, but I'm not going to say congratulations until you've moved your mattress in, ok? I don't want to jinx this. (But how far is it from Fenway for when the Smiths and I visit?)

Annie Driscoll

Congrats on the house, and welcome to Haverhill!


Very cool on the photo blogging. :D I am also a Monkees fan - though I've never been sure who my favorite is. I've gotten to meet all of them - Peter is rather opposed to flash photography, so all my photos of him show him looking in...odd directions. Heh. ...and Douglas Adams rocks! :D


Great news about the house! Congrats!


Very cool to discover that you are an Elvis fan. I find myself disliking his new missus, very unreasonably, whom I listened to a lot before she married my darling. But that's just me.

Yours was the best response to this meme ever. Love your grandma images!

Congrats on the dream house.
xoxo Kay


Oooo! House! Yay!

I'm all about simple words these days. :) Congratulations.

I'll be sure to let you know if Elvis performs "Alison" when we see him at the end of the month.


I too am a huge Monkees fan. Welcome to Haverhill, where I now call home but grew up near you in Watertown.

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