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The Feminist Mafia

Let's try to get together in Haverhill.


Hi Alison,
well guess what my boss's wife Nancy King Bernstein is the same one that you know from All Souls isn't it a small world.. she asked me to send her best regards.. I picked up my copy of "your" book and kori wants me to make the blue bamboo one for her! she loves it.. happy birthday to you coming up.. and kori was 10 today.. eeek double digits.. well lots of luck and have fun too knitting to your hearts content.. will miss reading your wonderful days of wine and roses.. well you know what i mean!! lots of hugs and kisses from NYC.. ps are you going to Rhinebeck? I am on sunday 10/16!! karola

julia fc

Don't forget about us. I'll keep you on my blogline roll just in case.


Hope it doesn't take you long to settle in.
Have fun with both of your jobs. I'm still hanging in there. Hope you get lots of time to knit.



It is a small world.....my friend Rebecca is good friends with the owner of your new yarn store employer!!

Good luck with everything...and btw, enjoy your hiatus from blogging, I am thinking of taking one myself.

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