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sarah b.

Sorry to hear about your ornaments. I totally relate to the memories that something as simple as Christmas decorations can carry and would likely react the same way. Glad to hear that your super cute santa hat was received well!


I'm really sorry about the ornaments. It sounds like you're handling it alot better than I would (which probably isn't saying much.)

Merry Christmas.


So sorry about your ornamnets! We had a flood one year and lost a lot of handmade ornaments that our neighbor (really like a grandmother to me) made before she lost her eyesight. I know how upsetting it is.

Hope the rest of the festivities go better than the tree trimming!

Happy Holidays!


I love the hat.. so sorry about the loss of your treasured ornaments... hugs too i'm happy that he loves the hat so much that he won't take it off.. perfect! :-) hugs karola

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