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The Feminist Mafia

Giiiirrrlll...if you have cable and are looking for a TV partner, feel free to invite your cable-less Mafia-friend. And help me dog, if you have Showtime and if I can get you hooked on The L Word, I'll be your best friend forever.

Good luck on the knitting-for-hire. Can that cash be used for debt reduction? I know ... I know ... I'm no fun. But we're in this boat together.


The Tim Gunn impersonations are priceless. Priceless!

"Andrae, there's already a big age difference, and you're acting like a big baby in front of my colleagues at Red Lobster."

julia fc

Love that show too. It was Kimberly's raving about it that turned me on there. I can't wait for Olympus Fashion Week! Go Daniel!

Diane E.

I have been hooked on Project Runway since the first season, it's fantastic that Bravo repeats the episodes. Great site!

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