Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show. I know, it's an overwrought soap opera with a whiny herione a la Ally McBeal. But I love it. Love love love it.
So you can imagine my delight to see in last week's trailer that the characters would be knitting in this week's episode. Sadly, my delight was short-lived.
It started sort of okay. I was concerned that it looked like Meredith (the whiny herione) was not a real knitter - it's a pet peeve of mine to see actors who clearly don't know how to knit playing experienced knitters, but it was quickly indicated that she had only just taken up knitting. And here's where I started to get a little bit offended. She took up knitting along with a vow of celibacy. I'm slightly miffed at the implication that people who knit are celibate (grandmas?), but it was handled with a large dose of humor, so whatever.
And I was cheered to see Izzie, the former model, was an experienced knitter (and it was obvious that the actress is a real knitter). So yay, one of the sexiest people on the show is a knitter. Izzie tells her patient/love interest that she's knitting a sweater to swap out with Meredith's, so that Meredith will think she can really knit a sweater. Um, somehow I doubt that will work, but whatever.
But then at the end of the show, ostensibly the evening of that same day, Izzie has finished the sweater. Finished the sweater. Denny the heart patient/love interest is incredulous that she knit a sweater in one day. She jokes that she had some extra time. Okay, I'm willing to overlook the gross medical inacuracies on the show, but this is taking things a bit too far. Even if she had knit most of the pieces earlier, there is no way an intern (who couldn't possibly have much time on her hands) could have sewed all the seams, done the neck finishing, and woven in the ends.
I'm beginning to understand how people in the medical profession must feel watching shows like this.
I know what you mean. ;) I also noticed they didn't care about consistency when it came to the knitting... she was in a different place in the row whenever they looked away and then back at her. That, and her piece didn't really look like an actual sweater part.
I still enjoyed the show. ;)
Posted by: Andrea | April 03, 2006 at 10:23 PM
Yup i noticed the inconsistancies.. ugh.. i gues i can find a job with them to help?! hee..hee.. i love the the show too:-) even when they have bloopers like that... and the story line was oodles of fun :-) so looking forward to next week:-)
Posted by: Karola | April 03, 2006 at 11:08 PM
I know. I know.
Meredith knitting a big shapeless schmata was OK - because she is subliminating. But it was annoying that they equated knitting with a lack of sensuality.
But Izzy whipping out a whole sweater in between patients in time to wear it for three hours before she gave it to Denny - that was just wrong.
I mean - OK, so she started it before shift, and it was on about 13 needles, let's say it was a top down seamless yoke sweater.....nope. But at least they left the sex in for this one.
Posted by: Juno | April 04, 2006 at 09:36 AM
This is what I'm saying! Oh, and I guess Izzie has never heard of the boyfriend sweater curse... I mean, if anyone should worry about the curse (not that I believe), it's the girl in love with a guy who needs a new heart, right?
Posted by: Alison | April 04, 2006 at 10:02 AM
You crack me up, I also wondered how on earth she could have done that....but you said it better that I ever could.
Posted by: Stephanie | April 06, 2006 at 09:31 PM
I was totally thinking the same thing - and there is no way the piece Meredith was working on would be any part of a sweater. Good to know I'm not the only one who knits while watching Greys! :)
Posted by: Darcy | April 07, 2006 at 02:38 PM
Hey :) This is that Vassar girl you met at TNNA a couple of years ago. I'm so glad you mentioned this show! They were using fat yarn and massive needles, but that sweater was not knit in one busy intern's day. Also, I believe Meredith was wrapping the yarn the "backwards" way around the needle, which made me a little sad... it's so much harder to follow instructions for more complicated stitches this way.
As for your knitting mojo, mine was gone for a bit too, mostly because I was pursuing other creative endeavors, but this past week I had a mission -- make the MIL's birthday gift in advance of her birthday, for a change -- and a delivery of Knitpicks' Shine yarn in a smashing cherry red. This inspired me to knock out a lace-ish shawl in two days. It also confirmed my theory that new yarn is good for the soul, especially when the project costs less than $15.
Posted by: Pamela | April 09, 2006 at 09:33 AM
hi Pamela - nice to hear from you!
I'm not too worried about Meredith wrapping the yarn the other way if it's easier for her - as long as she isn't twisting her stitches. Somehow I don't think she'll be getting to any complicated stitch patterns, and Annie Modesitt has taught me the value of "combined" knitting. (I'm too set in my ways to knit that way myself, but I can see where it would be more efficient.)
Congrats on getting your mojo back!
Posted by: Alison | April 09, 2006 at 09:41 AM
I love Grey's Anatomy too but it was so painfully obvious that Meredith could barely hold the fat needles, let alone knit. I don't know how those tired residents have time to have sex, knit and do major surgeries all in a day!
Posted by: Kathode Ray Tube | April 12, 2006 at 04:01 PM