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edna somma

i,m with you.i am absolutely addicted to making socks.i am now knitting a pair with cherry hill yarn.i love the feel and texture of ie.edna.bye the way ,let me know what i owe you for fixing my sweater


It took me a while, but I am now a sock knitter too! Some days, I sit at my desk at work, just itching to knit a few rounds. I knit my first sock (yes, singular), and then a few months later I nit a pair for the husband. Then, several months after that I started another one, which languished for some time. But, last fall I got hooked and have made several pairs since then!!! Love the handknit socks. (I'm even wearing a pair right now!)

julia fc

Wow, you ARE on a roll. It's going to be too warm to knit much else soon (except for wedding shawls), so why not?


Your *dear friend Sara* concedes your point, but only based upon the outstanding advocacy powers of Pablo Neruda :-)))

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