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The Feminist Mafia

Oh, love those squares! My fav is the fish, which would make a really cute Little Man sweater design. Understated, yet kid friendly.



I just found your blog from reading Enchanting Juno. I love those afgan squares and the shawls and the socks and those SwEATERS! I am in total awe.

I poked around a bit to find the pattern for the afgan, but I couldn't figure it out. Google gave me NADA! and I couldn't figure out how to search on you blog.




hi Mariz,

The afghan project was originally from Knitter's from several years ago, and they have also published it as a separate pattern booklet - it's called The Great American Aran Afghan. I'm pretty sure it's still in print.


It IS still in print. I've been eyeing it every time I go to my LYS... thinking I'll do it for my parents... and seeing your gorgeous squares, now I KNOW I'll have to bite the bullet and buy it. Especially love the fish in the net!!



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