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Just wanted to let you know that Games Magazine used to run puzzles like that occasionally: http://www.amazon.com/Games-Magazine-Presents-Numbers-Other/dp/0812923847/


and you can play them online here: http://www.blindchicken.com/~ali/games/puzzles.html


love, love, love the paint by number puzzles. I'd get a lot more knitting done if I couldn't find them online. I can enable you some more. www.conceptistech.com has online and printable versions of sudoku and picture puzzles. Enjoy.


re: paint by sudoko-there is a pc game called Descartes Enigma developed by Everett Kaser software that does this exact kind of puzzle-it is awesome. I think you can download a demo from the website-I don't have the url handy but it should come up if you google Descartes Enigma.

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