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we had a bird that kept doing that to our garage window. He only stopped when my dad put white paper behind it. It was a cardinal and he saw his reflection and kept trying to attack it or something.


Poor little guy. You could try putting a couple of clings to the window. You can usually pick them up at the dollar store.

I put these on a glass storm door at my new house because my dogs & cats had never had a clear door at their level and I was afraid they would charge through it!


i'm always trying to snap photos of the birds visiting our feeders. lucky you!


Putting something like a suncatcher on the window should help. Birds can kill themselves crashing into windows.


I read that when they see their reflection, they think it's another bird and they try to defend their territory. Of course, sometimes they just don't see the window.

Beth S.

A pet robin would be hard work! You'd have to spend a lot of time digging for worms in the garden. ;-)

We had a similar problem with a bluejay last year. It took up residence in a tree right outside our porch, and then spent two weeks dive-bombing the window where our cat likes to sit. ;-) The cat loved it, of course.


"Caesar's Antlers" is a lovely little novel by Brooks Hansen that takes off with the idea of a sparrow conking itself out against a window, and what happened to him, his mate, and his nestlings after that. Meantime, the post-its are a superb idea.

And I once found a bird's nest on my roof made of twigs, leaves, and pink hand-dyed wool (gee, wonder where that came from?)


we have a lot of hornets/wasps in just about every shutter. I wish i had a little weird robin friend. Though when our 75 year old honeysuckle(read:LARGE) blossoms we get little tiny hummingbirds. DOn't blink you will miss them
On a side note, got a email from H. VERY VERY VERY sad here at the house. A bit sudden. How are you doing?
:( Sara


I think it must be something with robins. Last week I sat in a restaurant and watched a robin try to get in the window about 10 times before it gave up. And - the food wasn't THAT good!


I wish we could put up bird feeders - whenever I've tried, the squirrels get them!

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