Like every year, I struggled through the holiday season, only to have a perfectly lovely holiday. This year, I was especially blue for most of December, but starting on Saturday, became especially content.
Sunday was my last day at my main church job, and in the couple weeks leading up to my departure, I became rather sad to be going. But I couldn't have asked for a better last day. Staff and congregants said nice things about me. They gave me gifts. We had a carol sing. It was lovely.
Last week I had a little pity-party about not getting to host either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and was bummed out that Scott & I were going to make a very quick trip to NYC to spend Christmas day with his family. I was upset that I wouldn't be able to do many of my own holiday traditions, and was stressed out that we were going to have to drive for 4.5 hours only to turn around and come back the next day so that I could be back at my temp job today. But in the end, it was all very relaxed, we had a nice time with my in-laws (I have to try and remember more often that I actually like them), and even got to spend some time on Christmas Eve with a friend I rarely get to see.
And, because we're celebrating with my family later this week, I have some extra time to finish the socks I'm knitting for my dad, which I didn't start until last Wednesday. (In fact, I started them about five times last Wednesday before finding a pattern that I liked and would come out the right size.)
All in all, I'm counting my blessings this Christmas and New Years. I'm so thankful to have wonderful friends, new opportunities, a fabulous spouse and a loving family.
Happy Boxing Day!