I have been hanging around the house for the last couple weeks (2? 3? I don't even know anymore...) I'm in between temp assignments. I interviewed for a p/t job that would have gotten me out of the house 3 days a week, leaving me time to work on my knit design business and all that other good stuff. It went very well, they checked my (apparently excellent) references, I had a 2nd interview, which (I thought) went very well, but I don't think I got the job, because I was supposed to hear by now. Poop.
Well, it wasn't meant to be, I suppose.
Also, I recently submitted a very sweet little baby sweater I designed to a popular venue for knitting patterns. I heard back yesterday that they like it, but don't have any room left in issue I submitted for, and would like to hold it for possible publication in the next issue, or the one after that.
I guess that's okay.
My own website is so close to being ready to go live that I can taste it! (It tastes like raspberries.) But I have a little more content to put up, and my hubbo web designer has a few more things to do on the functionality end of things.
We hope to put in more work on it this weekend.
(BTW, I'm thinking about a contest to celebrate once we finally get it up for all the world to see. Stay tuned.)
So, what do I have to show for two (or 3?) weeks without work outside my house? (Not counting all those times I've brought my laptop to Starbucks or my favorite tea house because I'm getting stir crazy.)
Not exactly true. I put my Christmas decorations away, finally, on January 28. I knit the back & front of a sample for a sweater pattern that I'm hoping will take the knitting world by storm in a few weeks, and I calculated all 8 (8!) sizes. I did a little freelance tech editing, and started along the steep learning curve of using Adobe Illustrator. Look what I made yesterday:
Yes, my heart is a little bit blue.
Well, some people like blue . . .
I think that sometimes, it takes a long time to get there, and it's all part of the getting there. I know it feels like a race, but you probably have a few months like this ahead of you. Congrats on the baby sweater though: my spring article was submitted two years ago. It's been a long wait for that one. I know you won't have to wait so long!
Posted by: julia fc | February 02, 2008 at 11:08 AM
I'm sort of jealous: you have a tea house.
Posted by: trek | February 02, 2008 at 01:38 PM
Hey Alison,
would you please email me? I have a question to ask you re: tech editing.
Posted by: Cher | February 02, 2008 at 03:58 PM
If you ever need help getting designs built into pdf's or anything like that, give me a call. You know I'd do anything to help.
I not only work for yarn, I also work for tea... ;-)
Posted by: Linda D | February 02, 2008 at 04:06 PM
Hang in there, fullness of time, all that. While you're "idle", if you ever wanna hang out, Ivy and I are home on Mon & Fridays
Posted by: PumpkinMama | February 02, 2008 at 06:27 PM
Putting away your Christmas decorations was an accomplishment, and so was the complete consumption of transnational versions of Project Runway. Remember ... it was inspiring and therefore, worthy of your time, Ms. Artiste.
Posted by: The Feminist Mafia | February 02, 2008 at 10:46 PM
i'm sorry that the job didn't pan out but you're right it wasn't meant to be.
Posted by: maryse | February 03, 2008 at 04:12 PM
Have you seen the latest over at Sneaksleep?... I think you'll find it very encouraging. :-)
Meanwhile, we are all pulling for you!
Posted by: Beth S. | February 04, 2008 at 09:52 AM
Hi Alison,
It's Friday morning 2/8 I had to go to Porter Square this a.m. and I saw a retail store called Sparks Craft Studio..it looks cute..anyway I came back to work and Googled them and found out they are looking for people..Asst. Mgr..Mgrs...it is retail..but they seem to give alot classes..just thought I'd let you know.
Posted by: kristine murphy | February 08, 2008 at 11:05 AM
Congrats on getting your pattern accepted! Who cares if it's not THIS issue, it's still really exciting!
Posted by: Knitting Bandit | February 10, 2008 at 01:39 AM